Assessment of beach-cast cetaceans in Pakistan: Implications for conservation and management

Gore, M. A.; Culloch, R. M.; Gray, H. W. I.; Hoelzel, R.; Lockyer, C.; Kiani, M. S.; Waqas, U.; Hussain, B.; Rahim, A.; Shah, A.; Ormond, R. F. G.
Journal of Cetacean Research and Management (2017)

Until recently, little was known about the distribution and species occurrence of marine cetaceans in Pakistani waters, an area which needed to be addressed exigently given its inclusion in the…

Comparative physiology of vocal musculature in two odontocetes, the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and the harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)

Thometz, Nicole M.; Dearolf, Jennifer L.; Dunkin, Robin C.; Noren, Dawn P.; Holt, Marla M.; Sims, Olivia C.; Cathey, Brandon C.; Williams, Terrie M.
Journal of Comparative Physiology B (2017)

The mechanism by which odontocetes produce sound is unique among mammals. To gain insight into the physiological properties that support sound production in toothed whales, we examined myoglobin content ([Mb]),…

Linear transect surveys of abundance and density of cetaceans in the area near the Dzharylgach Island in the north-western Black Sea

Gladilina, E. V.; Vishnyakova, K. A.; Neprokin, O. O.; Ivanchikova, Yu. F.; Derkacheva, T. A.; Kryukova, A. A.; Savenko, O. V.; Gol’din, P. E.
Vestnik Zoologii (2017)

The first assessment of cetacean density and abundance by linear transect survey was conducted in 2016 and 2017 in the shallowest coastal area of the Ukrainian sector of the north-western…

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and their hydroxylated and methoxylated analogues in the blood of harbor, Dall’s and finless porpoises from the Japanese coastal waters

Ochiai, Mari; Nomiyama, Kei; Isobe, Tomohiko; Yamada, Tadasu K.; Tajima, Yuko; Matsuda, Ayaka; Shiozaki, Akira; Matsuishi, Takashi; Amano, Masao; Iwata, Hisato; Tanabe, Shinsuke
Marine Environmental Research (2016)

This study investigated the accumulation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and their hydroxylated and methoxylated analogues (OH-PBDEs and MeO-PBDEs) in the blood of harbor porpoises, Dall's porpoises, and finless porpoises…

Comparison of dolphins’ body and brain measurements with four other groups of cetaceans reveals great diversity

Ridgway, Sam H.; Carlin, Kevin P.; Van Alstyne, Kaitlin R.; Hanson, Alicia C.; Tarpley, Raymond J.
Brain, Behavior and Evolution (2016)

We compared mature dolphins with 4 other groupings of mature cetaceans. With a large data set, we found great brain diversity among 5 different taxonomic groupings. The dolphins in our…