TDP-43 and Alzheimer’s disease pathology in the brain of a harbor porpoise exposed to the cyanobacterial toxin BMAA

Garamszegi, Susanna P.; Brzostowicki, Daniel J.; Coyne, Thomas M.; Vontell, Regina T.; Davis, David A.
Toxins (2024)

Cetaceans are well-regarded as sentinels for toxin exposure. Emerging studies suggest that cetaceans can also develop neuropathological changes associated with neurodegenerative disease. The occurrence of neuropathology makes cetaceans an ideal…

Using marine mammal necropsy data in animal health surveillance: The case of the harbor porpoise in the Southern North Sea

IJsseldijk, Lonneke L.; van den Broek, Jan; Kik, Marja J. L.; Leopold, Mardik F.; Bravo Rebolledo, Elisa; Gröne, Andrea; Heesterbeek, Hans
Frontiers in Marine Science (2024)

Rapid changes of marine ecosystems resulting from human activities and climate change, and the subsequent reported rise of infectious diseases in marine mammals, highlight the urgency for timely detection of…

Characterising underwater noise and changes in harbour porpoise behaviour during the decommissioning of an oil and gas platform

Fernandez-Betelu, Oihane; Graham, Isla M.; Malcher, Freya; Webster, Emily; Cheong, Sei-Him; Wang, Lian; Iorio-Merlo, Virginia; Robinson, Stephen; Thompson, Paul M.
Marine Pollution Bulletin (2024)

Many man-made marine structures (MMS) will have to be decommissioned in the coming decades. While studies on the impacts of construction of MMS on marine mammals exist, no research has…

Biological characteristics of pregnancy in captive Yangtze finless porpoises revealed by urinary metabolomics

Tang, Bin; Hao, Yujiang; Wang, Chaoqun; Deng, Zhengyu; Kou, Zhangbing; Zhou, Haojie; Zhang, Haobo; Fan, Fei; Wang, Kexiong; Wang, Ding
Biology of Reproduction (2024)

The Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis a.) are an endemic and critically endangered species in China. Intensive captive breeding is essential for understanding the biology of critically endangered species, especially…

Recent progress and future directions for conservation of the Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaorientalis asiaorientalis)

Hao, Yujiang; Nabi, Ghulam; Mei, Zhigang; Zheng, Jinsong; Wang, Kexiong; Wang, Ding
Der Zoologische Garten (2023)

With the functional extinction of the Yangtze River dolphin or baiji (Lipotes vexillifer) based on the survey conducted in 2006, the Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaorientalis) is now the only…

Harassment and killing of porpoises (“phocoenacide”) by fish‐eating Southern Resident killer whales (Orcinus orca)

Giles, Deborah A.; Teman, Sarah J.; Ellis, Samuel; Ford, John K. B.; Shields, Monika W.; Hanson, M. Bradley; Emmons, Candice K.; Cottrell, Paul E.; Baird, Robin W.; Osborne, Richard W.; Weiss, Michael; Ellifrit, David K.; Olson, Jennifer K.; Towers, Jared R.; Ellis, Graeme; Matkin, Dena; Smith, Courtney E.; Raverty, Stephen A.; Norman, Stephanie A.; Gaydos, Joseph K.
Marine Mammal Science (2023)

Endangered Southern Resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) are fish-eaters that preferentially prey on adult Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Despite being salmon specialists, individuals from all three killer whale pods (J,…

Ship noise causes tagged harbour porpoises to change direction or dive deeper

Frankish, Caitlin K.; von Benda-Beckmann, Alexander M.; Teilmann, Jonas; Tougaard, Jakob; Dietz, Rune; Sveegaard, Signe; Binnerts, Bas; de Jong, Christ A. F.; Nabe-Nielsen, Jacob
Marine Pollution Bulletin (2023)

Shipping is the most pervasive source of marine noise pollution globally, yet its impact on sensitive fauna remains unclear. We tracked 10 harbour porpoises for 5–10 days to determine exposure…