This report was requested by Elsam Engineering A/S. It consists of a summary of results obtained in 2004 from the ongoing monitoring program of harbour porpoises in and around Horns Reef offshore wind farm. Due to substantial maintenance activities on the turbines in Horns Reef wind farm in 2004, it was decided to suspend the monitoring program temporarily. Monitoring will continue in 2005 and the data presented here will be included in the analysis for the 2005 annual report.
The report cannot be read on its own, and should be considered a supplement and update to the latest annual report on the project (Tougaard et al. 2004) as well as previous reports.
The results presented in this report have not been subject to proper statistical analysis. This analysis will be performed in connection with analysis of data collected in 2005. Conclusions presented here should thus only be regarded as preliminary and general statements on the abundance of harbour porpoises in and around the wind farm area.