The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2007)

DOI: 10.1121/1.2734487


The target strength as a function of aspect angle were measured for four species of fish using dolphin-like and porpoise-like echolocation signals. The polar diagram of target strength values measured from an energy flux density perspective showed considerably less fluctuation with azimuth than would a pure tone pulse. Using detection range data obtained from dolphin and porpoise echolocation experiments, the detection ranges for the Atlantic cod by echolocating dolphins and porpoises were calculated for three aspect angles of the cod. Maximum detection ranges occurred when the fish was broadside to the odontocete and minimum detection ranges occurred when the cod was in the tail aspect. Maximum and minimum detection ranges for the bottlenose dolphin in a noise-limited environment was calculated to be 93 and 70m , respectively. In a quiet environment, maximum and minimum detection ranges for the bottlenose dolphin were calculated to be 173 and 107m , respectively. The detection ranges for the harbor porpoise in a quiet environment were calculated to be between 15 and 27m . The primary reason for the large differences in detection ranges between both species was attributed to the 36dB higher source level of the bottlenose dolphin echolocation signals.