Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz (1994)

DOI: 10.1590/s0074-02761994000200004


(…) In this study the presence of S. australis in P. spinipinnis is recorded for the first time on the Chilean coast. Previously, this species had only been registered from this same host on the Peruvian coast (T Tantalean, L Sarmiento 1991 Publ Mus Hist Nat UNMSM 36: 1-4). Observations of S. australis with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) are reported for the first time (Figs 1-4). The morphological characteristics of S. australis specimens were similar as described, with optical microscopy, by Tantalean and Sarmiento (loc. cit.). These authors did not describe the presence of two lateral papillae in the external circle of papillae that surrounds the mouth of nematodes, but our observations with SEM in Chilean and Peruvian material of S. australis confirm their existence, as described in other Stenurus spp. (…)