Journal of Applied Ecology (2002)
The status of small cetaceans in the North Sea and adjacent waters has been of concern for many years. Shipboard and aerial line transect surveys were conducted to provide accurate…
The status of small cetaceans in the North Sea and adjacent waters has been of concern for many years. Shipboard and aerial line transect surveys were conducted to provide accurate…
There are two porpoise stocks in the northern Black Sea: the north-western (Odessa Gulf) and northeastern (Crimean and Caucasian waters); in addition, another stock is in the Sea of Azov.…
We investigated the feeding ecology and habitat use of 32 harbour porpoises by-caught in 4 localities along the Scandinavian coast from the North Sea to the Barents Sea using time-integrative…
Understanding the role of seascape in shaping genetic and demographic population structure is highly challenging for marine pelagic species such as cetaceans for which there is generally little evidence of…
Porpoise echolocation has been studied previously, mainly in target detection experiments using stationed animals and steel sphere targets, but little is known about the acoustic behaviour of free-swimming porpoises echolocating…
Estimating the range at which harbor porpoises can detect prey items and environmental objects is integral to understanding their biosonar. Understanding the ranges at which they can use echolocation to…
The first offshore wind farm 'alpha ventus' in the German North Sea was constructed north east of Borkum Reef Ground approximately 45 km north off the German coast in 2008…
We used variation at microsatellite loci and in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) to detect and quantify (1) hybridization between the harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena and the Dall’s porpoises Phoconoides dalli and…
The echolocation rate and behavior of wild harbor porpoises were studied using a harbor porpoise click detector (POD) deployed close to the bottom at 40 m depth in Scottish waters,…
Harbor porpoises from the North and Baltic Seas exhibit a higher incidence of bacterial infections compared to whales from less polluted arctic waters. Toxicological analysis revealed an association between elevated…