Aquatic Mammals (1988)
Information on the harbour porpoise in Polish waters is reviewed and a corrected and updated list of catches, strandings and sightings given. The number of records per year has changed…
Information on the harbour porpoise in Polish waters is reviewed and a corrected and updated list of catches, strandings and sightings given. The number of records per year has changed…
(...) Tongues (Lingua) of dead harbour porpoises are much smaller than those of comparable terrestrial mammals (Boenninghaus, 1903). With the exception of a small area at the tip of the…
The conducting system of the heart of the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena, Linnaeus, 1758) is described macroscopically as well as microscopically. The topography and microscopy of this system in the…
(...) Dolphins are well-known for their developed hearing and echolocation systems. However, data on the organization of other sensory systems in these animals are limited. Namely, the organization of the…
This paper describes the sonar sounds from four captive Neophocaena, two males and two females, which were tape recorded and processed with regard to their behaviour in the time and…
(...) Spondolytis deformans, a pathological deformation of the vertebral column, has so far been found in 41 cases in 26 recent and extinct cetacean species, among them the harbour porpoise…
Two species of freshwater dolphin are known to have existed in the Yangtse River, China, for over two thousand years. One is a white form, the Baiji (Lipotes vexllifer), the…
Since the first publications of data on the blood composition in the harbour porpoise (ANDERSEN, 1966 and 1968) the autoanalyzing technique has been commonly introduced and the international system for…
Informations on the body surface area in dolphins are rare in literature (SLIJPER, 1958; KERMACK, 1948; PARRY, 1949; RIDGWAY, 1972). With the increasing interest in physiology of marine mammals this…
In March of 1976, the aquarium’s veterinarian brought a young female harbor porpoise to the aquarium and housed her in a shallow (60 cm) portable pool. The animal had stranded…