Parentage determination of an isolated Yangtze finless porpoise population Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis in the Yangtze Tian-e-Zhou Baiji National Natural Reserve based on molecular data

Junhong, Xia; Jinsong, Zheng; Limei, Xu; Ding, Wang
Progress in Natural Science (2005)

Reproductive behaviors are poorly known for the Yangtze finless porpoise Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis. In this study, the parentage of an isolated Yangtze finless porpoise population inhabiting the Yangtze Tian-e-Zhou Baiji…

Preliminary study on genetic differences between two species of finless porpoises, genus Neophocaena, with lack of genetic divergence between two subspecies of the narrow-ridged finless porpoise, N. asiaeorientalis: cytochrome b sequence analyses

Koh, H. S.; Jo, J. E.; Ahn, N. H.; Lee, J. H.; Kim, K. S.; Jin, C. W.
Journal of Cetacean Research and Management (2013)

Using samples from bycaught finless porpoises, cytochrome b sequences were analysed and phylogenetic trees were constructed. The aims were to: (1) determine genetic divergences within the genus Neophocaena; (2) examine…

The diel rhythms of biosonar behavior in the Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis) in the port of the Yangtze River: The correlation between prey availability and boat traffic

Wang, Zhitao; Akamatsu, Tomonari; Wang, Kexiong; Wang, Ding
PLoS ONE (2014)

Information on the habitat use of the critically endangered Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis) is critical for its conservation. The diel biosonar behavior of the porpoise in the port…