Investigations on Cetacea (1982)
One hundred and forty-three skulls of a total of 15 cetacean species belonging to the superfamiIies of the Platanistoidea, Monodontoidea and Delphinoidea presented usually symmetrically arranged perforation areas or lacunae…
Investigations on Cetacea (1982)
In the Piti Mouth, a typical biotope of Sousa plumbea and Neophocaena phocaenoides in the Indus delta, the sounds produced by Johnius belangerii (Boro) and the rather weaker crustacean sounds…
Investigations on Cetacea (1980)
The Chinese finless porpoise of the Changjiang river, Neophocaena asiaeorientalis (PILLERI and GIHR, 1972) presents a taxonomic entity which differs from N. phocaenoides (G. CUVIER, 1829) of south and south-west…
Investigations on Cetacea (1980)
(...) The research shows that the finless porpoise of the Changjiang (Yangtze river) presents an atrophy ofthe entire optic system - eye and eye muscle nerves, optic nerve, optic pathways.…
Investigations on Cetacea (1979)
An account is given of observations on two dolphin species Sousa plumbea and Neophocaena phocaenoides which belong to the typical fauna of the Indus Delta. Sousa is a permanent inhabitant…
Investigations on Cetacea (1979)
Finless porpoise mothers are able to carry their calves balanced securely on their back. This behaviour was frequently observed by the authors in the course of an expedition to the…
Investigations on Cetacea (1976)
The widespread belief handed down through the cetacean literature for the past hundred years that the body colour of Neophocaena phocaenoides is black, is refuted by observations and photographs of…
Investigations on Cetacea (1974)
Abstract currently unavailable
Investigations on Cetacea (1974)
Abstract currently unavailable
Investigations on Cetacea (1974)
(...) Six complete [N. phocaenoides] (3 male, 3 female) have been collected in the Karachi Waters and in the Indus Delta Region by G. PILLERI. The testes and ovaries of…