Effects of offshore pile driving on harbour porpoise abundance in the German Bight

Brandt, Miriam J.; Dragon, Anne-Cécile; Diederichs, Ansgar; Schubert, Alexander; Kosarev, Vladislav; Nehls, Georg; Wahl, Veronika; Michalik, Andreas; Braasch, Alexander; Hinz, Claus; Ketzer, Christian; Todeskino, Dieter; Gauger, Marco; Laczny, Martin; Pipe, Werner
Report for Offshore Forum Windenergie (2016)

This study analyses the effects of the construction of eight offshore wind farms within the German North Sea between 2009 and 2013 on harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). It combines porpoise…

Biological variables and health status affecting inorganic element concentrations in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from Portugal (western Iberian Peninsula)

Ferreira, Marisa; Monteiro, Silvia S.; Torres, Jordi; Oliveira, Isabel; Sequeira, Marina; López, Alfredo; Vingada, José; Eira, Catarina
Environmental Pollution (2016)

The coastal preferences of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) intensify their exposure to human activities. The harbour porpoise Iberian population is presently very small and information about the threats it endures…

Comparison of dolphins’ body and brain measurements with four other groups of cetaceans reveals great diversity

Ridgway, Sam H.; Carlin, Kevin P.; Van Alstyne, Kaitlin R.; Hanson, Alicia C.; Tarpley, Raymond J.
Brain, Behavior and Evolution (2016)

We compared mature dolphins with 4 other groupings of mature cetaceans. With a large data set, we found great brain diversity among 5 different taxonomic groupings. The dolphins in our…

A contribution to the study on the three cetacean species stranded along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast

Evtimova, V.; Delov, V.; Parvanov, D.; Grozdanov, A.; Velina, Y.
Annuaire de l’Université de Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski” Faculte de Biologie (2016)

The study was conducted by examining stranded cetaceans while explicitly searching for dead marine mammals. Observations were made through covering transects along the Bulgarian Black Sea coast. The data collection…