Report on vaquita rate of change between 2011-2014 using passive acoustic data by the expert panel on spatial models

Jaramillo-Legorreta, Armando; Rojas-Bracho, Lorenzo; VerHoef, Jay; Moore, Jeff; Thomas, Len; Barlow, Jay; Gerrodette, Tim; Taylor, Barbara
Scientific Committee Meeting Documents (2015)

The Expert Panel on Vaquita Acoustic Monitoring had its second meeting on April 28, 2015 to analyze the first four seasons (2011-2014) of the acoustic monitoring program. Results indicate an…

Comments on the Delphinoidea

Fraser, F. C.
Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises [Proceedings] (1966)

(...) Flower (1883), in his search for the trenchant characters he needed to reach a decision about the arrangement of the Delphinidae, saw that the configuration of the pterygoid bones…

Exploring trade-offs between fisheries and conservation of the vaquita porpoise (Phocoena sinus) using an Atlantis ecosystem model

Morzaria-Luna, Hem Nalini; Ainsworth, Cameron H.; Kaplan, Isaac C.; Levin, Phillip S.; Fulton, Elizabeth A.
PLoS ONE (2012)

Background: Minimizing fishery bycatch threats might involve trade-offs between maintaining viable populations and economic benefits. Understanding these trade-offs can help managers reconcile conflicting goals. An example is a set of…