Investigations on Cetacea (1974)
(...) Phocoena spinipinnis has only twice been recorded off the Atlantic coast of South America. Once by BURMEISTER [1865], who published the original description of the species, and once by…
(...) Phocoena spinipinnis has only twice been recorded off the Atlantic coast of South America. Once by BURMEISTER [1865], who published the original description of the species, and once by…
Information is communicated on the occurrence of Phoconea spinipinnis off the Uruguayan coast and on the general geographical distribution of this rare species. In contradiction to the observations of ALLEN…
Fifteen fishing centres on the northern and central coasts of Peru, including large industrial fishing ports and smaller fish landing sites were surveyed for cetacean landings periodically over 29 months,…
We examined the presence of tattoo lesions in 613 small cetaceans belonging to nine species and originating from the Southeast Pacific Ocean, the Southwest and Northeast Atlantic Ocean as well…
This work provides the first direct, at-sea monitoring of small cetacean interactions with Peruvian artisanal drift gillnet and longline vessels. A total of 253 small cetaceans were observed captured during…
Limited monitoring of 30 fishing ports on the central and northern Peruvian coast, from 03º29’S to 14º10’S, in the period 1995-99, yielded evidence of small cetacean exploitation in 25 ports…
We briefly review the pathology, epidemiology and molecular biology of cetacean viruses (including morbilli, papilloma and pox) and Brucella spp. encountered in South America. Antibodies against cetacean morbillivirus were detected…
(...) The study reported here was carried out in 1993-1997 when very few data were available on cetacean poxviruses. On the basis of the brick-shaped morphology of cetacean poxviruses (Van…
In 1990, 74 dusky dolphins (Lagenorhynchus obscurus) and 10 Burmeister's porpoises (Phocoena spinipinnis) were examined for the presence of hyperpigmented marks and pinhole lesions on the skin (tattoo lesions) at…
We detail the first direct, at sea monitoring of small cetacean interactions with Peruvian artisanal drift gillnet and longline fisheries. A total of 253 small cetaceans were captured during 66…