Report of the International Whaling Commission (1992)
In response to a request from the IWC Scientific Committee, this paper investigates the disagreement between two sets of Japanese statistics for the Dall's porpoise fishery, with particular reference to…
Report of the International Whaling Commission (1994)
Many passive net fisheries exist along the Pacific coastlines of the USA (California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska), Canada (British Columbia) and the Russian Federation. Some incidental marine mammal mortality occurs…
Report of the International Whaling Commission (1997)
In July 1990, an observer program was established to collect data on the bycatch of the drift and set gillnet fisheries operating off the coast of California. These data are…
Report of the International Whaling Commission (1994)
To reduce incidental catch of cetaceans in gillnets, two forms of acoustic modifications are reviewed here; one to make gillnets more reflective to cetacean sonar, and another using active sound…
Report of the International Whaling Commission (1993)
We present the results of an aerial line transect census of cetaceans along the California coast during March and April 1991. This survey was the first of two aerial surveys…
Psychonomic Science (1966)
As a rough measure of intelligence, brain weight: cord weight ratios in small delphinids compared favorably with, but were slightly less than , this ratio in man. Not all delphinids…
Journal of Mammalogy (1944)
(...) The Dall porpoise, Phocoenoides dalli (True), occupies a rather restricted range in the northern Pacific. On the American side this extends from the Aleutian Islands to Santa Barbara Channel,…
Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises [Proceedings] (1966)
There are many species of cetaceans in the waters around Japan. Some are migratory, but others seem to be permanent residents. The rarities among the small cetaceans caught by Japanese…
Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises [Proceedings] (1966)
(...) Flower (1883), in his search for the trenchant characters he needed to reach a decision about the arrangement of the Delphinidae, saw that the configuration of the pterygoid bones…
Journal of Cetacean Research and Management (2015)
Information relating to the distribution and abundance of species is critical for effective conservation and management. For many species, including cetacean species of conservation concern, abundance estimates are lacking, out…