Journal of Experimental Biology (2009)
Dolphins and porpoises have excellent biosonar ability, which they use for navigation, ranging and foraging. However, the role of biosonar in free-ranging small cetaceans has not been fully investigated. The…
Dolphins and porpoises have excellent biosonar ability, which they use for navigation, ranging and foraging. However, the role of biosonar in free-ranging small cetaceans has not been fully investigated. The…
The harbour, or common, porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) is the smallest cetacean inhabiting temperate to cold waters throughout the northern hemisphere. Due to its occurrence mainly but not exclusively in coastal…
In recent years, several sound and movement recording tags have been developed to sample the acoustic field experienced by cetaceans and their reactions to it. However, little is known about…
To observe the bio-sonar behavior of dolphins and porpoises, a miniature stereo acoustic data logger was developed to record the echolocation clicks of small cetaceans. The 'A-tag' device is small…
Survey based habitat association models provide good spatial coverage, but only a snapshot in time of a species' occurrence in a particular area. A habitat association model for harbor porpoises…
Acoustic monitoring of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena L., 1758) indicated a strongly reduced disturbance by noise emitted by pile driving for offshore wind turbine foundations insulated by a big bubble…
Echolocation clicks of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) were detected with T-PODs, autonomous, passive, acoustic-monitoring devices, deployed from an offshore-exploration-drilling-rig and gas-production-platform complex in the Dogger Bank region of the North…
Two scientific efforts brought the need for immediate actions to conserve vaquita as a high priority for the Mexican government. Passive acoustic techniques (Jaramillo-Legorreta, 2008) revealed a negative trend of…
We used our novel and programmable Porpoise Alarm (PAL, patd.) to synthesize life-like, electronic harbour porpoise communication signals based on those described for captive animals. In the Little Belt, Denmark,…
The Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis) is an endangered freshwater porpoise subspecies unique to the Yangtze River basin. Seasonal variations in local distribution of the animal, as well as…