Effects of multiple exposures to pile driving noise on harbor porpoise hearing during simulated flights—An evaluation tool

Schaffeld, Tobias; Schnitzler, Joseph G.; Ruser, Andreas; Woelfing, Benno; Baltzer, Johannes; Siebert, Ursula
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2020)

Exploitation of renewable energy from offshore wind farms is substantially increasing worldwide. The majority of wind turbines are bottom mounted, causing high levels of impulsive noise during construction. To prevent…

The click production of captive Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaorientalis) is influenced by social and environmental factors

Serres, Agathe; Xu, Chen; Hao, Yujiang; Wang, Ding
Animals (2021)

Yangtze finless porpoises use high-frequency clicks to navigate, forage, and communicate. The way in which click production may vary depending on social or environmental context has never been investigated. A…

Harassment and killing of porpoises (“phocoenacide”) by fish‐eating Southern Resident killer whales (Orcinus orca)

Giles, Deborah A.; Teman, Sarah J.; Ellis, Samuel; Ford, John K. B.; Shields, Monika W.; Hanson, M. Bradley; Emmons, Candice K.; Cottrell, Paul E.; Baird, Robin W.; Osborne, Richard W.; Weiss, Michael; Ellifrit, David K.; Olson, Jennifer K.; Towers, Jared R.; Ellis, Graeme; Matkin, Dena; Smith, Courtney E.; Raverty, Stephen A.; Norman, Stephanie A.; Gaydos, Joseph K.
Marine Mammal Science (2023)

Endangered Southern Resident killer whales (Orcinus orca) are fish-eaters that preferentially prey on adult Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha). Despite being salmon specialists, individuals from all three killer whale pods (J,…

Implications of porpoise echolocation and dive behaviour on passive acoustic monitoring

Macaulay, Jamie Donald John; Rojano-Doñate, Laia; Ladegaard, Michael; Tougaard, Jakob; Teilmann, Jonas; Marques, Tiago A.; Siebert, Ursula; Madsen, Peter Teglberg
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2023)

Harbour porpoises are visually inconspicuous but highly soniferous echolocating marine predators that are regularly studied using passive acoustic monitoring (PAM). PAM can provide quality data on animal abundance, human impact,…

Wild harbour porpoises startle and flee at low received levels from acoustic harassment device

Elmegaard, Siri L.; Teilmann, Jonas; Rojano-Doñate, Laia; Brennecke, Dennis; Mikkelsen, Lonnie; Balle, Jeppe D.; Gosewinkel, Ulrich; Kyhn, Line A.; Tønnesen, Pernille; Wahlberg, Magnus; Ruser, Andreas; Siebert, Ursula; Madsen, Peter Teglberg
Scientific Reports (2023)

Acoustic Harassment Devices (AHD) are widely used to deter marine mammals from aquaculture depredation, and from pile driving operations that may otherwise cause hearing damage. However, little is known about…

The first case of reintroduction and behavioral adaptability of Yangtze finless porpoise

Qiu, Jian-Song; Sun, Xiao-Dong; Wang, Ding; Hao, Yu-Jiang; Zheng, Jing-Song; Li, Wei-Lun; Fan, Fei; Deng, Xiao-Jun; Mao, Jun-Feng; Zeng, Qiang; Jiang, Hua-Yan; Deng, Zai-Gui; Gong, Cheng; Xu, Chun-Yong; Wang, Ke-Xiong; Mei, Zhi-Gang
Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica (2023)

The ex situ conservation of the first-class protected animal in China, Yangtze finless porpoise (YFP), have gained preliminary success. As the last step in ex situ conservation, reintroduction is an…