Accumulation of hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls (OH-PCBs) and implications for PCBs metabolic capacities in three porpoise species

Ochiai, Mari; Nomiyama, Kei; Isobe, Tomohiko; Mizukawa, Hazuki; Yamada, Tadasu K.; Tajima, Yuko; Matsuishi, Takashi; Amano, Masao; Tanabe, Shinsuke
Chemosphere (2013)

The present study investigated polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and hydroxylated metabolites of PCBs (OH-PCBs) in blood from three porpoise species: finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides), harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena), and Dall’s porpoises…

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and their hydroxylated and methoxylated analogues in the blood of harbor, Dall’s and finless porpoises from the Japanese coastal waters

Ochiai, Mari; Nomiyama, Kei; Isobe, Tomohiko; Yamada, Tadasu K.; Tajima, Yuko; Matsuda, Ayaka; Shiozaki, Akira; Matsuishi, Takashi; Amano, Masao; Iwata, Hisato; Tanabe, Shinsuke
Marine Environmental Research (2016)

This study investigated the accumulation of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and their hydroxylated and methoxylated analogues (OH-PBDEs and MeO-PBDEs) in the blood of harbor porpoises, Dall's porpoises, and finless porpoises…

Strandings, bycatches and injuries of aquatic mammals in China, 2000–2006, as reviewed from official documents: A compelling argument for a nationwide strandings programme

Wang, Yamin; Li, Wei; Van Waerebeek, Koen
Marine Policy (2015)

In the present study, the species composition, geographical and seasonal patterns of strandings, bycatches and injuries of aquatic mammals reported in Chinese mainland waters, from 2000 to 2006, were analyzed…

Responses of bottlenose dolphins and harbor porpoises to impact and vibration piling noise during harbor construction

Graham, Isla M.; Pirotta, Enrico; Merchant, Nathan D.; Farcas, Adrian; Barton, Tim R.; Cheney, Barbara; Hastie, Gordon D.; Thompson, Paul M.
Ecosphere (2017)

The development of risk assessments for the exposure of protected populations to noise from coastal construction is constrained by uncertainty over the nature and extent of marine mammal responses to…

Comparative physiology of vocal musculature in two odontocetes, the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) and the harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)

Thometz, Nicole M.; Dearolf, Jennifer L.; Dunkin, Robin C.; Noren, Dawn P.; Holt, Marla M.; Sims, Olivia C.; Cathey, Brandon C.; Williams, Terrie M.
Journal of Comparative Physiology B (2017)

The mechanism by which odontocetes produce sound is unique among mammals. To gain insight into the physiological properties that support sound production in toothed whales, we examined myoglobin content ([Mb]),…

Long-term passive acoustic monitoring revealed seasonal and diel patterns of cetacean presence in the Istanbul Strait

Dede, Ayhan; Öztürk, Ayaka Amaha; Akamatsu, Tomonari; Tonay, Arda M.; Öztürk, Bayram
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (2013)

The Istanbul Strait (Bosphorus) is a part of the Turkish Straits System, connecting the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea. There are three cetacean species in the Strait, namely the…

Stable oxygen isotopes reveal habitat use by marine mammals in the Río de la Plata estuary and adjoining Atlantic Ocean

Drago, Massimiliano; Valdivia, Meica; Bragg, Daniel; González, Enrique M.; Aguilar, Alex; Cardona, Luis
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science (2020)

Detailed knowledge on habitat use by marine mammals is critical for understanding their ecological role and for adequate management. Here, we assess the habitat use patterns of thirteen species of…