Frontiers in Marine Science (2024)
Rapid changes of marine ecosystems resulting from human activities and climate change, and the subsequent reported rise of infectious diseases in marine mammals, highlight the urgency for timely detection of…
Rapid changes of marine ecosystems resulting from human activities and climate change, and the subsequent reported rise of infectious diseases in marine mammals, highlight the urgency for timely detection of…
Incidental capture in fishing gear is today affecting at least 112 marine mammal species worldwide and for many smaller toothed whale species (Odontocete), gillnets are considered to be the largest…
The Shandong Peninsula is located on the western coast of the Pacific and is adjacent to the Bohai Sea (BS) and the Yellow Sea (YS) to the east. The East…
Impact of climate change is expected to be especially noticeable at the edges of a species' distribution, where they meet suboptimal habitat conditions. In Mauritania and Iberia, two genetically differentiated…
With the functional extinction of the Yangtze River dolphin or baiji (Lipotes vexillifer) based on the survey conducted in 2006, the Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaorientalis) is now the only…
This study was conducted out in the southern Black Sea coastal zone, in 2011-2016 fishing seasons. In the study, bycatch of sturgeons and cetaceans were examined both in small scale…
Incidental captures (bycatch) remain a key global conservation threat for cetaceans. Bycatch of harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena in set gillnets is routinely monitored in European Union fisheries, but generally relies…
The conservation of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) appears to be failing in Europe. There are particular concerns about this species in the Baltic Proper, Black, and Mediterranean Seas, as well…
Bycatch is a significant cause of population declines of marine megafauna globally. While numerous bycatch mitigation strategies exist, acoustic alarms, or pingers, are the most widely adopted strategy for small…
The need to minimize bycatch of toothed whales (odontocetes) in gillnets has long been recognized, because they are often top predators and thus essential to ecosystem resilience. It is likely…