Experimental testing of acoustic alarms (pingers) to reduce bycatch of harbour porpoise, Phocoena phocoena, in the state of Washington

Gearin, P. J.; Gosho, M. E.; Laake, J. L.; Cooke, L.; DeLong, R. L.; Hughes, K. M.
Journal of Cetacean Research and Management (2000)

Field tests were conducted on the effectiveness of acoustic alarms (pingers) in reducing the incidental catch of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in a salmon gillnet fishery in northern Washington in…

Proceedings of the International Harbour Porpoise Workshop

Bowen, D.; Brodie, P.; Conway, J.; Gearin, P.; Hammill, M.; Hood, C. C.; Kingsley, M.; Lesage, V.; Lien, J.; Metuzals, K.; Palka, D.; Potter, D.; Read, A.; Rosel, P.; Simon, P.; Stenson, G.

Serious concerns have been raised regarding the status of the harbour porpoise populations in the North Atlantic and specifically for those inhabiting Atlantic Canadian waters. In 1991 harbour porpoise in…

Harbour porpoise interactions with the 2001 selective salmon fisheries in southern British Columbia and license holder reported small cetacean by-catch

Hall, A.; Ellis, G.; Trites, A.W.
Selective Salmon Fisheries Science Program Report (2002)

We estimated the incidental mortality of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in selective salmon fisheries in southern British Columbia from reports received from federal fisheries observers (2001) and license holders (1997…