Distribution and habitat use of a cryptic small cetacean, the Burmeister’s porpoise, monitored from a small-scale fishery platform

Clay, Thomas A.; Mangel, Jeffrey C.; Alfaro-Shigueto, Joanna; Hodgson, David J.; Godley, Brendan J.
Frontiers in Marine Science (2018)

There is widespread evidence that small-scale fisheries (SSF) bycatch threatens many populations of small cetaceans, yet conservation efforts are often limited by a lack of basic knowledge regarding their abundance,…

A field effort to capture critically endangered vaquitas Phocoena sinus for protection from entanglement in illegal gillnets

Rojas-Bracho, L.; Gulland, F. M. D.; Smith, C. R.; Taylor, B.; Wells, R. S.; Thomas, P. O.; Bauer, B.; Heide-Jørgensen, M. P.; Teilmann, J.; Dietz, R.; Balle, J. D.; Jensen, M. V.; Sinding, M. H. S.; Jaramillo-Legorreta, A.; Abel, G.; Read, A. J.; Westgate, A. J.; Colegrove, K.; Gomez, F.; Martz, K.; Rebolledo, R.; Ridgway, S.; Rowles, T.; van Elk, C. E.; Boehm, J.; Cardenas-Hinojosa, G.; Constandse, R.; Nieto-Garcia, E.; Phillips, W.; Sabio, D.; Sanchez, R.; Sweeney, J.; Townsend, F.; Vivanco, J.; Vivanco, J. C.; Walker, S.
Endangered Species Research (2019)

In 2017 an emergency field effort was undertaken in an attempt to prevent the extinction of the world’s most endangered marine mammal, the vaquita (Phocoena sinus). The rescue effort involved…

Where is the risk? Integrating a spatial distribution model and a risk assessment to identify areas of cetacean interaction with fisheries in the northeast Atlantic

Breen, Patricia; Brown, Susie; Reid, David; Rogan, Emer
Ocean & Coastal Management (2017)

Throughout their range, marine mammals are vulnerable to incidental capture in fishing gear. Bycatch is a particularly important issue for cetaceans, which generally have lower potential rates of population growth…

Causes of mortality of harbor porpoises Phocoena phocoena along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Canada

Fenton, H.; Daoust, P. Y.; Forzán, M. J.; Vanderstichel, R. V.; Ford, J. K. B.; Spaven, L.; Lair, S.; Raverty, S.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms (2017)

There is increasing public interest in the overall health of the marine environment. Harbor porpoises Phocoena phocoena have a coastal distribution, and stranded animals function as sentinels for population and…

Strandings, bycatches and injuries of aquatic mammals in China, 2000–2006, as reviewed from official documents: A compelling argument for a nationwide strandings programme

Wang, Yamin; Li, Wei; Van Waerebeek, Koen
Marine Policy (2015)

In the present study, the species composition, geographical and seasonal patterns of strandings, bycatches and injuries of aquatic mammals reported in Chinese mainland waters, from 2000 to 2006, were analyzed…