Swimming patterns of wild harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena show detection and avoidance of gillnets at very long ranges

Nielsen, T.P.; Wahlberg, M.; Heikkilä, S.; Jensen, M.; Sabinsky, P.; Dabelsteen, T.
Marine Ecology Progress Series (2012)

Harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena are unintentionally caught in gillnets. Although the effectiveness of by-catch mitigation measures has been evaluated many times, only a few studies have investigated the behavioural patterns…

Is a German harbour porpoise much more sensitive than a British one? Comparative analyses of mandatory measures for the protection of harbour porposes (Phocoena phocoena) during offshore wind farm ramming in Germany, Denmark and the UK

Luedeke, Jens
Proceedings of Meetings on Acoustics (2012)

Offshore wind farms (OWF) will soon contribute to significant growth in the renewable energy sector. At present just a few OWF have been built. As of 2012, Germany has an…