Systema Naturæ (1758)
(...) Delphinus phocœna 1. Dolphin with a nearly coniform body, a wide back, and nearly blunt (obtuse) rostrum. . . . Lives in the oceans of Europe and the Baltic.…
(...) Delphinus phocœna 1. Dolphin with a nearly coniform body, a wide back, and nearly blunt (obtuse) rostrum. . . . Lives in the oceans of Europe and the Baltic.…
(...) La inspección de los dientes del animal, dientes muy pequeños, comprimidos y espatulados, me demostró que el delfín pertenecía al género Phocaena. Como por otro lado, los ojos se…
This paper is a contribution to the knowledge of the marine and estuarine cetacean fauna of Pakistani waters and it is based on the investigation of our own material collected…
(p. 291) (...) M. Dussumier à découvert au Cap, une espèce de ce sous-genre, qui a la tête ronde, et les dents comprimées et obtuses du marsouin (D. phocænoides). (In…
(...) I am enabled to add a new species, through the kindness of Mr. William H. Dall, who has placed at my disposal his notes upon and drawings of two…
Abstract currently unavailable
On March 18, 1950, a single bleached skull of the porpoise described in this paper, was found by the senior author, on the beach above high tide line, along the…