Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2010)
Recent climate change has triggered profound reorganization in northeast Atlantic ecosystems, with substantial impact on the distribution of marine assemblages from plankton to fishes. However, assessing the repercussions on apex…
Journal of Mammalogy (1949)
(...) In the summer and fall of 1947 and the fall of 1948 the Fish and Wildlife Service research vessel Black Douglas cruised in waters from Vancouver Island, British Columbia,…
NMFS Administrative Report No. 86-37 (1986)
The vaquita (Phocoena sinus) is a small porpoise found only in the northern Gulf of California. This species may have been subject to high levels of mortality in the gill-net…
Master's Thesis - University of Rhode Island (1996)
Hundreds of harbor porpoise die each year as bycatch in the Gulf of Maine's sink gillnet fishery. In recent years, concern has arisen whether the Gulf of Maine population of…
Scientific Committee Meeting Documents (2008)
(...) During April 1997 the acoustic detector was successfully used to detect vaquitas for the first time. On that occasion we surveyed on a fixed location, aboard an outboard motor…
Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia (2010)
(...) In this paper we present results on diversity, local distribution and group composition of cetacean species along inshore waters of the fjord Puyuhuapi and Channels Jacaf and Moraleda (between…
Iranian Journal of Fisheries Sciences (2016)
A total of 98 marine mammal records from Iranian coastal waters of the Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman were compiled of which 66 are previously unpublished new records. Seventy-nine…
Report for Offshore Forum Windenergie (2016)
This study analyses the effects of the construction of eight offshore wind farms within the German North Sea between 2009 and 2013 on harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). It combines porpoise…
Marine Biodiversity Records (2016)
Results are presented from the first systematic visual and acoustic line-transect survey for harbour porpoises in the Thracian Sea, northern Aegean Sea. During the vessel survey, undertaken in summer 2013,…
IBI Reports (1999)
Two species of small cetaceans, the Indo-Pacific hump-backed dolphin and the finless porpoise, occur year-round in waters of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. Research conducted from September 1995 to…