Identifying foraging behaviour of wild bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) and harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) with static acoustic dataloggers

Nuuttila, H. K.; Meier, R.; Evans, P. G. H.; Turner, J. R.; Bennell, J. D.; Hiddink, J. G.
Aquatic Mammals (2013)

Sound is the main means of communication for cetaceans, and studying their vocal behaviour can reveal important information about their activity patterns. As static acoustic monitoring (SAM) of whales, dolphins,…

Listening to echolocation clicks with PODs

Tregenza, Nick; Dawson, Steve; Rayment, Will; Verfuss, Ursula
Modern Acoustics and Signal Processing (2016)

Monitoring echolocation using SAMs—static acoustic monitors—such as T-PODs or, more recently, C-PODs—has provided a wealth of information on the fine-scale distribution and activity of dolphins, porpoises and other toothed whales.…

Changes in click source levels with distance to targets: Studies of free-ranging white-beaked dolphins Lagenorhynchus albirostris and captive harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena

Atem, Ana Carolina G.; Rasmussen, Marianne H.; Wahlberg, Magnus; Petersen, Hans C.; Miller, Lee A.;
Bioacoustics (2009)

Probably all odontocetes use echolocation for spatial orientation and detection of prey. We used a four hydrophone “Y” array to record the high frequency clicks from free-ranging White-beaked Dolphins Lagenorhynchus…