Isotopic assessment of prey and habitat preferences of a cetacean community in the southwestern South Atlantic Ocean

Riccialdelli, L.; Newsome, S. D.; Fogel, M. L.; Goodall, R. N. P.
Marine Ecology Progress Series (2010)

We used stable carbon (δ13 C) and nitrogen (δ15 N) isotope analysis to investigate the trophic ecology of 8 small cetacean species of the southwestern South Atlantic Ocean: 6 delphinids…

Diel and seasonal patterns in acoustic presence and foraging behaviour of free-ranging harbour porpoises

Schaffeld, T.; Bräger, S.; Gallus, A.; Dähne, M.; Krügel, K.; Herrmann, A.; Jabbusch, M.; Ruf, T.; Verfuß, U. K.; Benke, H.; Koblitz, J. C.
Marine Ecology Progress Series (2016)

A temporal and geographical analysis of echolocation activity can give insights into the behaviour of free-ranging harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena. Seasonal and diel patterns in the presence and foraging activity…

Summary of current knowledge of harbour porpoises in US and Canadian Atlantic waters

Palka, D. L.; Read, A. J.; Westgate, A. J.; Johnston, D. W.
Report of the International Whaling Commission (1996)

This paper summarises current knowledge of the three populations of harbour porpoises in US and Canadian Atlantic waters. During the summer, the populations are centred in the Gulf of Maine/Bay…

Status of the harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in Danish waters

Teilmann, J.; Lowry, N.
Report of the International Whaling Commission (1996)

Harbour porpoises are widely distributed in the seas around Denmark. Total abundance in Danish waters is estimated as approximately 100,000 animals. Population density varies considerably by area. There are probably…