The effect of signal duration on the underwater detection thresholds of a harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) for single frequency-modulated tonal signals between 0.25 and 160 kHz

Kastelein, Ronald A.; Hoek, Lean; de Jong, Christ A. F.; Wensveen, Paul J.
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2010)

The underwater hearing sensitivity of a young male harbor porpoise for tonal signals of various signal durations was quantified by using a behavioral psychophysical technique. The animal was trained to…

Auditory temporal resolution and evoked responses to pulsed sounds for the Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis)

Mooney, T. Aran; Li, Songhai; Ketten, Darlene R.; Wang, Kexiong; Wang, Ding
J Comp Physiol A (2011)

Temporal cues are important for some forms of auditory processing, such as echolocation. Among odontocetes (toothed whales, dolphins, and porpoises), it has been suggested that porpoises may have temporal processing…

Keeping returns optimal: gain control exerted through sensitivity adjustments in the harbour porpoise auditory system

Linnenschmidt, M.; Beedholm, K.; Wahlberg, M.; Hojer-Kristensen, J.; Nachtigall, P. E.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2012)

Animals that use echolocation (biosonar) listen to acoustic signals with a large range of intensities, because echo levels vary with the fourth power of the animal's distance to the target.…