Marine Mammals of the World: Systematics and Distribution (1998)
(page 121) (...) Miller (1925) and Kellogg (1928) included the true porpoises in the family Delphinidae and did not even grant them subfamily status. However, Slijper (1936) and Fraser and…
Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology (1923)
Among the collections brought back by Mr. F. R. Wulsin after a year’s stay in China are three skeletons and an entire body of the small porpoise, Meomeris phocaenoides, a…
Marine Mammal Sci (2001)
(...) Harbor porpoises are assumed to have colonized the Black Sea from the Atlantic Ocean (Gaskin 1982, Rosel 1997). This hypothesized relationship is based on both geographical proximity and genetic…
Aquatic Mammals (2013)
The Polish fisheries administration registered incidents of harbour porpoises caught by fishermen from fishing bases within the country's borders between 1922 and 1938. These data are unique in the Baltic…
Aquatic Mammals (1988)
Information on the harbour porpoise in Polish waters is reviewed and a corrected and updated list of catches, strandings and sightings given. The number of records per year has changed…
Journal of Marine Animals and Their Ecology (2015)
The population of the critically endangered vaquita has decreased alarmingly to less than 100 individuals due to by-catch in legal and illegal fisheries of totoaba, shrimp, shark, and others in…