Marine Mammal Sci (1993)
In the coastal waters of western Kyushu, Japan, a total of 97 incidentally taken or stranded finless porpoises, Neophocaena phocaenoides, was collected for studying age, growth and reproduction. An additional…
In the coastal waters of western Kyushu, Japan, a total of 97 incidentally taken or stranded finless porpoises, Neophocaena phocaenoides, was collected for studying age, growth and reproduction. An additional…
This paper gives a survey of the fate of 67 harbour porpoises collected alive from Danish waters and kept in captivity for bioacoustical and physiological investigations. Even if the harbour…
This paper reviews available information on the population biology and incidental mortality of the vaquita, Phocoena sinus. A re-examination of previous records and the collection of new records reveals that…
Eight fresh specimens of Burmeister's porpoise caught in gillnets in the Necochea area (Buenos Aires Province) were studied for external morphometrics, age, basic reproductive data, organochlorine pollutant levels and parasites.…
Biological parameters for harbour porpoises are reviewed throughout their range in the North Atlantic. Most information is based on studies of a combination of directed catches, bycatches and strandings. All…
The vaquita, Phocoena sinus, is the most endangered marine cetacean primarily due to incidental mortality in fishing nets. We examined a sample of 56 vaquitas to study the life history…
Life history parameters were estimated for Dall's porpoise, Phocoenoides dalli, from biological specimens collected in the western Aleutian Islands, during 1981–1987. Of 2,033 males and 3,566 females examined, reproductive data…
We describe the life history of harbor porpoises in the Gulf of Maine by examining 239 animals killed in gill net fisheries and comparing these findings with the results of…