Journal of Mammalogy (1937)
On March 9, 1937, a harbor porpoise (Phocaena phocoena) that had been found dead the previous day on Rockaway Beach, San Mateo County, California, was brought to the Department of…
On March 9, 1937, a harbor porpoise (Phocaena phocoena) that had been found dead the previous day on Rockaway Beach, San Mateo County, California, was brought to the Department of…
1. Diet studies of marine mammals typically summarise prey composition across all individuals studied. Variation in individual diets is usually ignored, but may be more than just “noise” around an…
Between 2007 and 2009, we witnessed three aggressive interactions between harbor porpoises and bottlenose dolphins in Monterey Bay, California. This is the first time such aggression has been documented in…
In 2007, the apparent increase in the number of harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) stranding along the central California coast compared to the number of strandings the previous year resulted in…
(...) Little is known regarding other causes of mortality and population trends of harbor porpoises from the Estuary and Gulf of St. Lawrence. Harbor porpoises have been reported to be…
This paper gives a survey of the fate of 67 harbour porpoises collected alive from Danish waters and kept in captivity for bioacoustical and physiological investigations. Even if the harbour…
Stranded cetaceans reported from the territorial waters of Hong Kong during the period May 1993 to March 1998 were examined to establish factors that may have contributed to their death.…
In 2006, a marked increase in harbor porpoise Phocoena phocoena strandings were reported in the Pacific Northwest of the USA, resulting in the declaration of an unusual mortality event (UME)…