Toxins (2024)
Cetaceans are well-regarded as sentinels for toxin exposure. Emerging studies suggest that cetaceans can also develop neuropathological changes associated with neurodegenerative disease. The occurrence of neuropathology makes cetaceans an ideal…
Journal of Comparative Pathology (2017)
Neuroectodermal developmental anomalies are reported rarely in cetaceans and central nervous system cysts are not described. We describe the gross, microscopical, histochemical and immunohistochemical features of a neuraxial myelencephalic cyst…
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2018)
Unlike terrestrial mammals that have unambiguous aerial sound transmission pathways via the outer ear and tympanum, sound reception pathways in most odontocetes are not well understood. Recent studies have used…
Behavioural Processes (2017)
The Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis) is a critically endangered species with less than 1000 individuals expected to be left in the wild. While many studies have been conducted…
Biology of Marine Mammals (1999)
(...) In this chapter, we discuss marine mammal audition, vision, chemoreception, tactile sensation, and magnetic detection. We begin with an overview of the basic aspects of sensory receptor systems, and…
Brain, Behavior and Evolution (2016)
We compared mature dolphins with 4 other groupings of mature cetaceans. With a large data set, we found great brain diversity among 5 different taxonomic groupings. The dolphins in our…
Journal of Comparative Physiology A (2017)
Hearing is the primary sensory modality for toothed whales, but it is not known at which age it is fully developed. For newborn calves, hearing could fill an important function…
Sensory Abilities of Cetaceans (1990)
(...) Organization of the visual system in Cetacea still remains unclear in many respects. Of special interest are data on ganglion cell distribution in the retina. It is related closely…
Sensory Abilities of Cetaceans (1990)
Several anatomical characteristics of the cornea, lens, iris and retina of the eyes of a month-old and an adult harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) were investigated by scanning, transmission and light…
Current Biology (2016)
Marine mammals have adapted to forage while holding their breath in a suite of aquatic habitats from shallow rivers to deep oceans. The key to tolerate such extensive apnea is…