The first case of reintroduction and behavioral adaptability of Yangtze finless porpoise

Qiu, Jian-Song; Sun, Xiao-Dong; Wang, Ding; Hao, Yu-Jiang; Zheng, Jing-Song; Li, Wei-Lun; Fan, Fei; Deng, Xiao-Jun; Mao, Jun-Feng; Zeng, Qiang; Jiang, Hua-Yan; Deng, Zai-Gui; Gong, Cheng; Xu, Chun-Yong; Wang, Ke-Xiong; Mei, Zhi-Gang
Acta Hydrobiologica Sinica (2023)

The ex situ conservation of the first-class protected animal in China, Yangtze finless porpoise (YFP), have gained preliminary success. As the last step in ex situ conservation, reintroduction is an…

Ship noise causes tagged harbour porpoises to change direction or dive deeper

Frankish, Caitlin K.; von Benda-Beckmann, Alexander M.; Teilmann, Jonas; Tougaard, Jakob; Dietz, Rune; Sveegaard, Signe; Binnerts, Bas; de Jong, Christ A. F.; Nabe-Nielsen, Jacob
Marine Pollution Bulletin (2023)

Shipping is the most pervasive source of marine noise pollution globally, yet its impact on sensitive fauna remains unclear. We tracked 10 harbour porpoises for 5–10 days to determine exposure…

Characterising underwater noise and changes in harbour porpoise behaviour during the decommissioning of an oil and gas platform

Fernandez-Betelu, Oihane; Graham, Isla M.; Malcher, Freya; Webster, Emily; Cheong, Sei-Him; Wang, Lian; Iorio-Merlo, Virginia; Robinson, Stephen; Thompson, Paul M.
Marine Pollution Bulletin (2024)

Many man-made marine structures (MMS) will have to be decommissioned in the coming decades. While studies on the impacts of construction of MMS on marine mammals exist, no research has…