Quantitative measures of anthropogenic noise on harbor porpoises: Testing the reliability of acoustic tag recordings

Wisniewska, Danuta M.; Teilmann, Jonas; Hermannsen, Line; Johnson, Mark; Miller, Lee A.; Siebert, Ursula; Madsen, Peter Teglberg
The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life II (2016)

In recent years, several sound and movement recording tags have been developed to sample the acoustic field experienced by cetaceans and their reactions to it. However, little is known about…

Harbour porpoise movement strategy affects cumulative number of animals acoustically exposed to underwater explosions

Aarts, G.; von Benda-Beckmann, A. M.; Lucke, K.; Sertlek, H. Ö.; van Bemmelen, R.; Geelhoed, S. C. V.; Brasseur, S.; Scheidat, M.; Lam, F. P. A.; Slabbekoorn, H.; Kirkwood, R.
Marine Ecology Progress Series (2016)

Anthropogenic sound in the marine environment can have negative consequences for marine fauna. Since most sound sources are intermittent or continuous, estimating how many individuals are exposed over time remains…

Effects of offshore pile driving on harbour porpoise abundance in the German Bight

Brandt, Miriam J.; Dragon, Anne-Cécile; Diederichs, Ansgar; Schubert, Alexander; Kosarev, Vladislav; Nehls, Georg; Wahl, Veronika; Michalik, Andreas; Braasch, Alexander; Hinz, Claus; Ketzer, Christian; Todeskino, Dieter; Gauger, Marco; Laczny, Martin; Pipe, Werner
Report for Offshore Forum Windenergie (2016)

This study analyses the effects of the construction of eight offshore wind farms within the German North Sea between 2009 and 2013 on harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena). It combines porpoise…

Listening to echolocation clicks with PODs

Tregenza, Nick; Dawson, Steve; Rayment, Will; Verfuss, Ursula
Modern Acoustics and Signal Processing (2016)

Monitoring echolocation using SAMs—static acoustic monitors—such as T-PODs or, more recently, C-PODs—has provided a wealth of information on the fine-scale distribution and activity of dolphins, porpoises and other toothed whales.…