Assessing the impact of underwater clearance of unexploded ordnance on Harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in the southern North Sea

von Benda-Beckmann, Alexander M.; Aarts, Geert; Sertlek, H. Özkan; Lucke, Klaus; Verboom, Wim C.; Kastelein, Ronald A.; Ketten, Darlene R.; van Bemmelen, Rob; Lam, Frans-Peter A.; Kirkwood, Roger J.; Ainslie, Michael A.
Aquatic Mammals (2015)

Large amounts of legacy unexploded ordnance (UXO) are still present in the North Sea. UXO are frequently accidentally encountered by fishermen and dredging vessels. Out of concern for human safety…

Pingers cause temporary habitat displacement in the harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena

Kyhn, L. A.; Jørgensen, P. B.; Carstensen, J.; Bech, N. I.; Tougaard, J.; Dabelsteen, T.; Teilmann, J.
Marine Ecology Progress Series (2015)

Several studies have shown that pingers mitigate porpoise bycatch and thus pinger use is now mandatory in some fisheries—although the long-term effects of pinger exposure on porpoises have not been…

Cetacean distribution in the southern Black Sea: An acoustic approach

Saydam, Gülce
Master's Thesis - Middle East Technical University (2015)

Large numbers of small cetaceans (common dolphin, harbor porpoises and bottlenose dolphins) were hunted in the Black Sea until the hunting of cetaceans was banned in Turkey in 1983. Even…