Hong Kong’s Cetaceans: The biology, socioecology and behaviour of Sousa chinensis and Neophocaena phocaenoides

Parsons, E. C. M.
Doctoral Thesis - University of Hong Kong (1997)

From an intensive review of historical records and the examination of stranded cetaceans it was determined that 16 cetacean species have been reported from Hong Kong, including resident populations of…

Multidisciplinary investigation of stranded harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in Washington State with an assessment of acoustic trauma as a contributory factor (2 May–2 June 2003)

Norman, S. A.; Raverty, S.; McLellan, B.; Pabst, A.; Ketten, D.; Fleetwood, M.; Gaydos, J. K.; Norberg, B.; Barre, L.; Cox, T.; Hanson, B.; Jeffries, S.
NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWR-34 (2004)

Observations of altered behavior of marine mammals in the area of mid-range sonar use by the naval vessel USS SHOUP in the eastern Strait of Juan de Fuca and Haro…

A preliminary overview of skin and skeletal diseases and traumata in small cetaceans from South American waters

Van Bressem, M.-F.; Reyes, J. C.; Félix, F.; Echegaray, M.; Siciliano, S.; Di Beneditto, A. P.; Flach, L.; Viddi, F.; Avila, I. C.; Herrera, J. C.; Tobón, I. C.; Bolaños-Jiménez, J.; Moreno, I. B.; Ott, P. H.; Sanino, G. P.; Castineira, E.; Montes, D.; Crespo, E.; Flores, P. A. C.; Haase, B.; Souza, S. M. F. M.; Laeta, M.; Fragoso, A. B.
Lat. Am. J. Aquat. Mamm. (2007)

We succinctly review and document new cases of diseases of the skin and the skeletal system and external traumata in cetaceans from Ecuador, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Uruguay, Brazil, and…