Microsatellite variation and significant population genetic structure of endangered finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides) in Chinese coastal waters and the Yangtze River

Chen, Lian; Bruford, Michael W.; Xu, Shixia; Zhou, Kaiya; Yang, Guang
Marine Biology (2010)

The finless porpoise (Neophocaena phocaenoides) inhabits a wide range of tropical and temperate waters of the Indo-Pacific region. Genetic structure of finless porpoises in Chinese waters in three regions (Yangtze…

Mixing of porpoise ecotypes in southwestern UK waters revealed by genetic profiling

Fontaine, Michaël C.; Thatcher, Oliver; Ray, Nicolas; Piry, Sylvain; Brownlow, Andrew; Davison, Nicholas J.; Jepson, Paul; Deaville, Rob; Goodman, Simon J.
Royal Society Open Science (2017)

Contact zones between ecotypes are windows for understanding how species may react to climate changes. Here, we analysed the fine-scale genetic and morphological variation in harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) around…

Morphological and genetic differentiation of the Black Sea harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena

Viaud-Martínez, K. A.; Martínez Vergara, M.; Gol'din, P. E.; Ridoux, V.; Öztürk, A. A.; Öztürk, B.; Rosel, P. E.; Frantzis, A.; Komnenou, A.; Bohonak, A. J.
Marine Ecology Progress Series (2007)

The ecological and conservation status of the geographically isolated Black Sea harbour porpoise is currently unknown. Although it has been suggested that Black Sea harbour porpoises are distinct from other…

Population survey showing hope for population recovery of the critically endangered Yangtze finless porpoise

Huang, Jie; Mei, Zhigang; Chen, Mao; Han, Yi; Zhang, Xinqiao; Moore, Jeffrey E.; Zhao, Xiujiang; Hao, Yujiang; Wang, Kexiong; Wang, Ding
Biological Conservation (2020)

The Yangtze finless porpoise (Neophocaena asiaeorientalis asiaeorientalis), has experienced rapid declines in recent decades. We estimate its abundance based on surveys conducted between November and December 2017 in the main-stem…

Abundance decline in the narrow‐ridged finless porpoise population off the Pacific coast of eastern Japan

Shirakihara, Kunio; Nakahara, Fumio; Shinohara, Masanori; Shirakihara, Miki; Hiramatsu, Kazuhiko; Irie, Takahiro
Population Ecology (2019)

The narrow‐ridged finless porpoise Neophocaena asiaeorientalis is a small‐toothed whale with a coastal habitat and is sensitive to human activity. Aerial sighting surveys were conducted in 2012 to evaluate the…

Group characteristics, site fidelity, and photo-identification of harbor porpoises, Phocoena phocoena, in Burrows Pass, Fidalgo Island, Washington

Elliser, Cindy R.; MacIver, Katrina H.; Green, Michelle
Marine Mammal Science (2017)

Little is known about harbor porpoises at the individual level or local group structure. Group characteristics, site fidelity, and photo‐identification of harbor porpoises were investigated off Fidalgo Island, Washington State.…