Report of the International Whaling Commission (1995)
At the meeting of the IWC Scientific Committee held in Dublin in May 1995, the special topic addressed by the sub-committee on small cetaceans was the North Atlantic harbour porpoise.…
At the meeting of the IWC Scientific Committee held in Dublin in May 1995, the special topic addressed by the sub-committee on small cetaceans was the North Atlantic harbour porpoise.…
The status of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) populations in the North Atlantic has raised numerous concerns. Although a number of factors that may be adversely affecting harbour porpoise populations have…
The abundance of the only population of vaquitas, Gulf of California harbor porpoise (Phocoena sinus), is estimated from four surveys conducted in Mexico between 1986 and 1993, using a variety…
Information on the harbour porpoise in Polish waters is reviewed and a corrected and updated list of catches, strandings and sightings given. The number of records per year has changed…
A line-transect survey for the critically endangered vaquita, Phocoena sinus, was carried out in October–November 2008, in the northern Gulf of California, Mexico. Areas with deeper water were sampled visually…
In the southern North Sea, harbour porpoise occurrence increased in recent years after a phase of low abundances during earlier decades. Only very few studies on porpoise presence in the…