Journal of Cetacean Research and Management (2015)
Information relating to the distribution and abundance of species is critical for effective conservation and management. For many species, including cetacean species of conservation concern, abundance estimates are lacking, out…
Journal of Cetacean Research and Management (1999)
Published data on pollutants found in marine mammals from Central and South America are limited. Few species have been studied (18) and sample sizes are usually too small to allow…
Journal of Cetacean Research and Management (2010)
Iran has 1,700km of coastline that borders the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea in the northwest Indian Ocean. Apart from a handful of records, almost nothing is known about…
Journal of Cetacean Research and Management (2008)
A vessel-based line-transect survey conducted during February 2004 along 1,018km of systematic trackline in the nearshore waters of Bangladesh resulted in 111 ‘on-effort’ cetacean sightings including: Irrawaddy dolphins, Orcaella brevirostris…
Journal of Cetacean Research and Management (2007)
Information on animal distribution and abundance is integral to wildlife conservation and management. However abundance estimates have not been available for many cetacean species inhabiting the coastal waters of Canada’s…
Journal of Cetacean Research and Management (2003)
From 1991-2002 data on the presence and distribution of cetaceans in the Greek Seas have been systematically collated in a database (821 sightings and 715 strandings). Data originated from dedicated…
Journal of Morphology (1996)
The site and physiologic mechanism(s) responsible for the generation of odontocete biosonar signals have eluded investigators for decades. To address these issues we subjected postmortem toothed whale heads to interrogation…
Journal of Parasitology (2010)
Single individuals of 2 little-known cetacean species, Mesoplodon hectori and Phocoena dioptrica, stranded and died on the coast of Argentina (Buenos Aires and Chubut provinces, respectively) and were studied for…
J. Fish. Res. Bd. Can. (1973)
This paper comprises sight records for nine species and morphometries, color descriptions, and miscellaneous notes on the food and parasites of seven species of small odontocetes observed from West Greenland…
Magnetite Biomineralization and Magnetoreception in Organisms: A New Biomagnetism (1985)
(...) Although various sensory mechanisms are present in cetaceans, special navigational problems occur when animals are in a pelagic environment which can minimize available cues. Dawbin (1966) has observed that…