Report of the International Whaling Commission (1983)
Catch statistics for 15 species of small cetacean are analysed, based on catch data collected for the 6 years from 1976 to 1981. Commercial catching of animals either by harpoon…
Catch statistics for 15 species of small cetacean are analysed, based on catch data collected for the 6 years from 1976 to 1981. Commercial catching of animals either by harpoon…
A general description of gillnet fisheries in the Southeast Pacific area (comprising the waters of Ecuador, Peru and Chile) is presented and their potential threat to cetaceans is discussed. Information…
Data are reported on marine mammal mortality collected from California's gillnet fisheries for California halibut and Pacific angel shark (set net) and swordfish and pelagic sharks (driftnet) during the first…
(...) Strandings of cetaceans on the coasts of France have been the object of systematic study, published in the form of annual reports, only since 1971. From that date until…
Dolphins of several species are killed incidentally in driftnet fisheries on the high seas in the North Pacific. Information on stock identity, necessary for assessment and management of the dolphin…
Many passive net fisheries exist along the Pacific coastlines of the USA (California, Oregon, Washington and Alaska), Canada (British Columbia) and the Russian Federation. Some incidental marine mammal mortality occurs…
Considerable numbers of cetaceans are killed incidentally every year during fishing operations on the Portuguese coast. Although a small number of marine mammals are caught by trawlers and fishing traps,…
In July 1990, an observer program was established to collect data on the bycatch of the drift and set gillnet fisheries operating off the coast of California. These data are…
Preliminary notes on the occurrence and exploitation of smaller Cetacea in Greenland were presented in a previous paper (Kapel, 1975). In the present paper a more detailed presentation of the…
The paper reports on research into the available published literature concerning those smaller cetaceans which penetrate into the Baltic Sea, bearing in mind that the Skagerrak is not included in…