Mexico heeds to expert advice and bans gill-nets permanently Today, only a week after the U.N. World Heritage Committee urged…
Mexico heeds to expert advice and bans gill-nets permanently Today, only a week after the U.N. World Heritage Committee urged…
The Most Endangered Marine Mammal in the World The vaquita is the world’s smallest of the whales, dolphins and porpoises…
According to the latest report published by the International Committee for the Recovery of the Vaquita (CIRVA), the vaquita population has dropped to about 60 individuals.
In all the world’s oceans there are only seven species of porpoise that exist. Though these little marine mammals are found in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres, and their…
“We are doing everything we can to reverse the Vaquita’s decline, from online awareness to in-person outreach. One of our biggest efforts has been International Save the Vaquita Day, which…