Vaquita Population Continues Decline as Totoaba Fishery Grows

A recent report published by the International Committee for the Recovery of the Vaquita (CIRVA) paints an alarming picture of the ongoing struggle to save the world’s smallest whale from extinction. None of the previous efforts have halted the decline of the endangered vaquita porpoise, and unless immediate and drastic actions are taken by the Mexican government, extinction is now all but inevitable. But conservationists have not given up the fight.

International Save the Vaquita Day

The first Saturday after the 4th of July has been designated as International Save the Vaquita Day. This is intended to be an annual event with a specific focus on…

Vaquita rescue mission ends in Mexico

Today marks the scheduled end of VaquitaCPR’s one-month mission to try and move some of the last vaquita to the safety of a sanctuary. It’s been a difficult month for the expert conservationists from around the world that had been assembled to implement what was meant as an insurance policy against the extinction of the small vaquita porpoise. The mission helped put the world’s spotlight back on the world’s most endangered marine mammal, and efforts are set to continue to save this species.