Ultra-high foraging rates of harbor porpoises make them vulnerable to anthropogenic disturbance

Wisniewska, Danuta Maria; Johnson, Mark; Teilmann, Jonas; Rojano-Doñate, Laia; Shearer, Jeanne; Sveegaard, Signe; Miller, Lee A.; Siebert, Ursula; Madsen, Peter Teglberg
Current Biology (2016)

The question of how individuals acquire and allocate resources to maximize fitness is central in evolutionary ecology. Basic information on prey selection, search effort, and capture rates are critical for…

Pile driving playback sounds and temporary threshold shift in harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena): Effect of exposure duration

Kastelein, Ronald A.; Helder-Hoek, Lean; Covi, Jennifer; Gransier, Robin
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2016)

High intensity underwater sounds may cause temporary hearing threshold shifts (TTSs) in harbor porpoises, the magnitude of which may depend on the exposure duration. After exposure to playbacks of pile…

Diel and seasonal patterns in acoustic presence and foraging behaviour of free-ranging harbour porpoises

Schaffeld, T.; Bräger, S.; Gallus, A.; Dähne, M.; Krügel, K.; Herrmann, A.; Jabbusch, M.; Ruf, T.; Verfuß, U. K.; Benke, H.; Koblitz, J. C.
Marine Ecology Progress Series (2016)

A temporal and geographical analysis of echolocation activity can give insights into the behaviour of free-ranging harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena. Seasonal and diel patterns in the presence and foraging activity…