Mammalian Species (1983)
Abstract currently unavailable
Abstract currently unavailable
The movements of nine harbour porpoises, Phocoena phocoena (L.), in the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of Maine were tracked using satellite telemetry. Transmitters were attached to the porpoises in…
Cetacean monitoring is essential in determining the status of a population. Different monitoring methods should reflect the real trends in abundance and patterns in distribution, and results should therefore ideally…
Abstract currently unavailable
Data on the occurrence of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) in German waters from 1988 to 2002 were collected from dedicated aerial surveys, incidental sightings and strandings. Aerial surveys conducted in…
Interactions between cetaceans and fisheries are a major concern of cetacean conservation and fisheries management, as by-catch and resource competition occur as a result. To assess potential interaction between porpoises…
The harbour porpoise is a highly mobile species and thus represents a considerable challenge in the context of using marine protected areas (MPAs) for conservation. The shelf waters off the…
Two species of dolphin inhabit the Changjiang (Yangtze): Lipotes vexillifer MILLER, 1918 (known as Baiji in Chinese) and the Finless porpoise, Neophocaena asiaeorientalis PILLERI and GIHR, 1972. Although quite a…
An account is given of observations on two dolphin species Sousa plumbea and Neophocaena phocaenoides which belong to the typical fauna of the Indus Delta. Sousa is a permanent inhabitant…
Two species of cetaceans live in the Yangtze river (Changjiang R.): Lipotes vexillifer (MILLER, 1918) and Neophocaena asiaeorientalis (PILLERI and GIHR, 1972). Both species are only found in the middle…