Habitat succession of the Yangtze finless porpoise in Poyang Lake under the changing hydrodynamic and feeding environment

Han, Yong; Sun, Zhiyu; Fang, Hongwei; Bai, Sen; Huang, Lei; He, Guojian
Ecological Modelling (2020)

Poyang Lake, located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River, is the largest freshwater lake in China and the most important habitat for the Yangtze finless porpoise.…

Harbour porpoise distribution can vary at small spatiotemporal scales in energetic habitats

Benjamins, Steven; van Geel, Nienke; Hastie, Gordon; Elliott, Jim; Wilson, Ben
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography (2017)

Marine habitat heterogeneity underpins species distribution and can be generated through interactions between physical and biological drivers at multiple spatiotemporal scales. Passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) is used worldwide to study…

Distribution of three sympatric cetacean species off the coast of the central-western Gulf of Thailand

Jutapruet, Suwat; Intongcome, Atichat; Wang, Xianyan; Kittiwattanawong, Kongkiat; Huang, Shiang-Lin
Aquatic Mammals (2017)

Baseline data on the distribution patterns of animals disclose the dynamic function of habitat use as it relates to the accessibility of prey, social interactions, predator-prey interactions, and inter-habitat-patch mobility.…

Abundance decline in the narrow‐ridged finless porpoise population off the Pacific coast of eastern Japan

Shirakihara, Kunio; Nakahara, Fumio; Shinohara, Masanori; Shirakihara, Miki; Hiramatsu, Kazuhiko; Irie, Takahiro
Population Ecology (2019)

The narrow‐ridged finless porpoise Neophocaena asiaeorientalis is a small‐toothed whale with a coastal habitat and is sensitive to human activity. Aerial sighting surveys were conducted in 2012 to evaluate the…

Estimation of population size and trends for highly mobile species with dynamic spatial distributions

Boyd, Charlotte; Barlow, Jay; Becker, Elizabeth A.; Forney, Karin A.; Gerrodette, Tim; Moore, Jeffrey E.; Punt, André E.
Diversity and Distributions (2017)

Conventional spatial density models assume a constant relationship between densities and habitat covariates over some time period, typically a survey season. The estimated population size must change whenever total habitat…

Records of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) in the mouth of the Douro River (northern Portugal) with presence of an anomalous white individual

Gil, Ágatha; Correia, Ana M.; Sousa-Pinto, Isabel
Marine Biodiversity Records (2019)

Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) is listed under the Annex II of the European Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/CEE) and Member States are required to designate special areas of conservation to protect…

Linear transect surveys of abundance and density of cetaceans in the area near the Dzharylgach Island in the north-western Black Sea

Gladilina, E. V.; Vishnyakova, K. A.; Neprokin, O. O.; Ivanchikova, Yu. F.; Derkacheva, T. A.; Kryukova, A. A.; Savenko, O. V.; Gol’din, P. E.
Vestnik Zoologii (2017)

The first assessment of cetacean density and abundance by linear transect survey was conducted in 2016 and 2017 in the shallowest coastal area of the Ukrainian sector of the north-western…