Changes in click source levels with distance to targets: Studies of free-ranging white-beaked dolphins Lagenorhynchus albirostris and captive harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena

Atem, Ana Carolina G.; Rasmussen, Marianne H.; Wahlberg, Magnus; Petersen, Hans C.; Miller, Lee A.;
Bioacoustics (2009)

Probably all odontocetes use echolocation for spatial orientation and detection of prey. We used a four hydrophone “Y” array to record the high frequency clicks from free-ranging White-beaked Dolphins Lagenorhynchus…

Comparative morphology of porpoise (Cetacea: Phocoenidae) pterygoid sinuses: Phylogenetic and functional implications

Racicot, Rachel A.; Berta, Annalisa
Journal of Morphology (2012)

High-resolution X-ray computed tomographic scans were used to examine pterygoid sinus morphology within extant porpoise species and one delphinid (Tursiops truncatus), in order to consider: 1) intraspecific and interspecific variation…

Keeping returns optimal: gain control exerted through sensitivity adjustments in the harbour porpoise auditory system

Linnenschmidt, M.; Beedholm, K.; Wahlberg, M.; Hojer-Kristensen, J.; Nachtigall, P. E.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2012)

Animals that use echolocation (biosonar) listen to acoustic signals with a large range of intensities, because echo levels vary with the fourth power of the animal's distance to the target.…