Causes of mortality of harbor porpoises Phocoena phocoena along the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of Canada

Fenton, H.; Daoust, P. Y.; Forzán, M. J.; Vanderstichel, R. V.; Ford, J. K. B.; Spaven, L.; Lair, S.; Raverty, S.
Diseases of Aquatic Organisms (2017)

There is increasing public interest in the overall health of the marine environment. Harbor porpoises Phocoena phocoena have a coastal distribution, and stranded animals function as sentinels for population and…

Year-round spatiotemporal distribution of harbour porpoises within and around the Maryland wind energy area

Wingfield, Jessica E.; O’Brien, Michael; Lyubchich, Vyacheslav; Roberts, Jason J.; Halpin, Patrick N.; Rice, Aaron N.; Bailey, Helen
PLOS ONE (2017)

Offshore windfarms provide renewable energy, but activities during the construction phase can affect marine mammals. To understand how the construction of an offshore windfarm in the Maryland Wind Energy Area…

Persistent organic pollutant and hormone levels in harbor porpoise with B cell lymphoma

Norman, Stephanie A.; Winfield, Zach C.; Rickman, Barry H.; Usenko, Sascha; Klope, Matthew; Berta, Susan; Dubpernell, Sandra; Garrett, Howard; Adams, Mary Jo; Lambourn, Dyanna; Huggins, Jessica L.; Lysiak, Nadine; Clark, Adelaide E.; Sanders, Rebel; Trumble, Stephen J.
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (2017)

B-cell lymphoma, a common morphologic variant of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, has been associated with persistent pollutants in humans, but this association is not well-characterized in top-level predators sharing marine resources with…

Dentinal anomalies in teeth of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from Scottish waters: Are they linked to sexual maturation and environmental events?

Luque, P. L.; Pierce, G. J.; Learmonth, J. A.; Santos, M. B.; Ieno, E.; López, A.; Reid, R. J.; Rogan, E.; González, A. F.; Boon, J.; Law, R. J.; Lockyer, C. H.
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (2009)

We examined the tooth ultra-structure of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from Scottish waters to determine whether the incidence of mineralization anomalies could be related to certain life history events (e.g.…

Habitat-based density models for three cetacean species off southern California illustrate pronounced seasonal differences

Becker, Elizabeth A.; Forney, Karin A.; Thayre, Bruce J.; Debich, Amanda J.; Campbell, Gregory S.; Whitaker, Katherine; Douglas, Annie B.; Gilles, Anita; Hoopes, Ryan; Hildebrand, John A.
Frontiers in Marine Science (2017)

Managing marine species effectively requires spatially and temporally explicit knowledge of their density and distribution. Habitat-based density models, a type of species distribution model (SDM) that uses habitat covariates to…

Variation in sexual behaviors in a group of captive male Yangtze finless porpoises (Neophocaena phocaenoides asiaeorientalis): Motivated by physiological changes?

Wu, Hai-Ping; Hao, Yu-Jiang; Yu, Xue-Ying; Xian, Yi-Jie; Zhao, Qing-Zhong; Chen, Dao-Quan; Kuang, Xin-An; Kou, Zhang-Bin; Feng, Kang-Kang; Gong, Wei-Ming; Wang, Ding
Theriogenology (2010)

Most male mammals in temperate regions demonstrate seasonal sexual behaviors that coincide with seasonal variations in gonadal activities and androgen hormones. The Yangtze finless porpoise is a temperate freshwater cetacean…

Biosonar signal propagation in the harbor porpoise’s (Phocoena phocoena) head: The role of various structures in the formation of the vertical beam

Wei, Chong; Au, Whitlow W. L.; Ketten, Darlene R.; Song, Zhongchang; Zhang, Yu
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America (2017)

Harbor porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) use narrow band echolocation signals for detecting and locating prey and for spatial orientation. In this study, acoustic impedance values of tissues in the porpoise's head…