Keeping returns optimal: gain control exerted through sensitivity adjustments in the harbour porpoise auditory system

Linnenschmidt, M.; Beedholm, K.; Wahlberg, M.; Hojer-Kristensen, J.; Nachtigall, P. E.
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences (2012)

Animals that use echolocation (biosonar) listen to acoustic signals with a large range of intensities, because echo levels vary with the fourth power of the animal's distance to the target.…

Organization and number of orexinergic neurons in the hypothalamus of two species of Cetartiodactyla: A comparison of giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) and harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena)

Dell, Leigh-Anne; Patzke, Nina; Bhagwandin, Adhil; Bux, Faiza; Fuxe, Kjell; Barber, Grace; Siegel, Jerome M.; Manger, Paul R.
Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy (2012)

The present study describes the organization of the orexinergic (hypocretinergic) neurons in the hypothalamus of the giraffe and harbour porpoise – two members of the mammalian Order Cetartiodactyla which is…

Changes in click source levels with distance to targets: Studies of free-ranging white-beaked dolphins Lagenorhynchus albirostris and captive harbour porpoises Phocoena phocoena

Atem, Ana Carolina G.; Rasmussen, Marianne H.; Wahlberg, Magnus; Petersen, Hans C.; Miller, Lee A.;
Bioacoustics (2009)

Probably all odontocetes use echolocation for spatial orientation and detection of prey. We used a four hydrophone “Y” array to record the high frequency clicks from free-ranging White-beaked Dolphins Lagenorhynchus…